Working with Factor Variables in R
Factors - what are they
- factors are used to work with categorical variables, variables that have a fixed and known set of possible values. They are also useful when you want to display character vectors in a non alphabetical order.
- we encounter them when modeling (linear,GLM,GAMS,Machine learning)
- handling them is on3 stage of machine learning feature engineering
Provides a way to provide different categories/enumerations of things without specifying a priority preference.
- IE. in
loan data
grade may be a included in a regression, but order in which they are included in the model shouldn’t impact the results. Or grade A is not greater than grade B from a regression standpoint.
- IE. in
Option for providing ordinality when it is important to sort categories
- IE First, Second, Third, are categories, but there is an order to them
creating factors
vec <- factor(c("Hello","world","Hello","Rposit"))
#> [1] Hello world Hello Rposit
#> Levels: Hello Rposit world
Levels of factors are the important piece to them, and they can be edited
factor(c("Hello","world","Hello","Rposit"), levels = c("world","Hello"))
#> [1] Hello world Hello <NA>
#> Levels: world Hello
levels(vec) <- c("Amazing","Viewers","Are")
#> [1] Amazing Are Amazing Viewers
#> Levels: Amazing Viewers Are
- Imagine that you have a variable that records month:
x1 <- c("Dec", "Apr", "Jan", "Mar")
#> [1] "Apr" "Dec" "Jan" "Mar"
doesn’t sort in a useful way -
There are only twelve possible months, and there’s nothing saving you from typos:
x2 <- c("Dec", "Apr", "Jam", "Mar")
how can we fix this… create a list with levels
month_levels <- c(
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
y1 <- factor(x1, levels = month_levels)
#> [1] Dec Apr Jan Mar
#> Levels: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
#> [1] Jan Mar Apr Dec
#> Levels: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
working with factors in datasets
- i’m still a big fan of the tidyverse
- we will use the
package to get the job done ` first lets see what happens when you read in data
readr package
- by default treats factors as characters
- you can override this by specifying
# load in libraries
# read in data
# look at the few first rows
#> # A tibble: 4 x 9
#> ...1 loan_status loan_amnt grade home_ownership annual_inc age emp_cat
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 1 0 5000 B RENT 24000 33 0-15
#> 2 2 0 2400 C RENT 12252 31 15-30
#> 3 3 0 10000 C RENT 49200 24 0-15
#> 4 4 0 5000 A RENT 36000 39 0-15
#> # i 1 more variable: ir_cat <chr>
# check the classes
#> ...1 loan_status loan_amnt grade home_ownership
#> "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" "character" "character"
#> annual_inc age emp_cat ir_cat
#> "numeric" "numeric" "character" "character"
lets override that coz we need those to be factors
df<-readr::read_csv("loan_data_cleaned.csv",col_types = cols(loan_status=col_factor(),
emp_cat=col_factor())) |>
sapply(df[1,],class) # great
#> loan_status loan_amnt grade home_ownership annual_inc
#> "factor" "numeric" "factor" "factor" "numeric"
#> age emp_cat ir_cat
#> "numeric" "factor" "character"
- that’s a draw back, cos its cumbersome, lets use
instead - we might have as many variables to deal with and listing them one by one is time consuming
- we know in advance that they will be turned to characters
df<-readr::read_csv("loan_data_cleaned.csv") |>
df<- df |>
# check class
sapply(df[1,],class) # great
#> loan_status loan_amnt grade home_ownership annual_inc
#> "numeric" "numeric" "factor" "factor" "numeric"
#> age emp_cat ir_cat
#> "numeric" "factor" "factor"
labeling variables
# put variable labels
labelled::var_label(df)<-list(loan_status="default status",
annual_inc="annual income",
home_ownership="house ownership",
loan_amnt="loan amount",
emp_cat="employment category")
creating factors and modifying them
- lets make use of
from base R to turn numerics to factors - i find this function very useful in most cases
out_new<-df |>
mutate(age_group=cut(age, c(min(df$age)-1, 30,45,55,65,75, max(df$age)+1),
c("< 30", "30-44","45-54","55-64","65-74","75+"), right = FALSE))
# check this out
out_new |>
#> # A tibble: 29,091 x 2
#> age age_group
#> <dbl> <fct>
#> 1 33 30-44
#> 2 31 30-44
#> 3 24 < 30
#> 4 39 30-44
#> 5 24 < 30
#> 6 28 < 30
#> 7 22 < 30
#> 8 22 < 30
#> 9 28 < 30
#> 10 22 < 30
#> # i 29,081 more rows
lets have glimpse at this
#> < 30 30-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+
#> 21038 7380 537 101 30 5
### or##
out_new |>
#> # A tibble: 6 x 2
#> age_group n
#> <fct> <int>
#> 1 < 30 21038
#> 2 30-44 7380
#> 3 45-54 537
#> 4 55-64 101
#> 5 65-74 30
#> 6 75+ 5
ggplot(out_new, aes(age_group)) +geom_bar()
modifying factor order
dat_sum <- out_new |>
group_by(age_group) |>
annual_inc= mean(annual_inc, na.rm = TRUE),
n = n()
ggplot(dat_sum, aes(annual_inc, age_group)) + geom_point()
- It is difficult to interpret this plot because there’s no overall pattern.
- We can improve it by reordering the levels of age_group using fct_reorder() . _ fct_reorder() takes three arguments:
- f , the factor whose levels you want to modify.
- x , a numeric vector that you want to use to reorder the levels.
ggplot(dat_sum, aes(annual_inc, fct_reorder(age_group,annual_inc))) + geom_point()
- you can use
to order levels in increasing frequency: this is the simplest type of reordering because it doesn’t need any extra variables.
p1<-out_new |>
mutate(age_group = age_group |> fct_infreq() |> fct_rev()) |>
ggplot(aes(age_group)) +
- The most general and powerful tool is fct_recode() .It allows you to recode, or change, the value of each level. For example, take gss_cat$partyid
out_new |>
"less than 30" ="< 30",
"greater than 75"="75+")) |>
#> # A tibble: 6 x 2
#> age_group1 n
#> <fct> <int>
#> 1 less than 30 21038
#> 2 30-44 7380
#> 3 45-54 537
#> 4 55-64 101
#> 5 65-74 30
#> 6 greater than 75 5
- If you want to collapse a lot of levels,
out_new |>
"55-74"=c("55-64","65-74"))) |>
#> # A tibble: 4 x 2
#> age_group2 n
#> <fct> <int>
#> 1 < 30 21038
#> 2 30-54 7917
#> 3 55-74 131
#> 4 75+ 5
- Sometimes you just want to lump together all the small groups to
make a plot or table simpler. That’s the job of
out_new %>%
mutate(age_group3= fct_lump(age_group)) %>%
#> # A tibble: 2 x 2
#> age_group3 n
#> <fct> <int>
#> 1 < 30 21038
#> 2 Other 8053
- The default behavior is to progressively lump together the smallest groups, ensuring that the aggregate is still the smallest group
- Instead, we can use the n parameter to specify how many groups (excluding other) we want to keep:
out_new %>%
mutate(age_group3= fct_lump(age_group,n=3)) %>%
#> # A tibble: 4 x 2
#> age_group3 n
#> <fct> <int>
#> 1 < 30 21038
#> 2 30-44 7380
#> 3 45-54 537
#> 4 Other 136