Generalised Linear Models 2


If we have more than two categories or groups that we want to model relative to covariates (e.g., we have observations \(i = 1,\cdots,n\) and groups covariates \(j = 1,\cdots,J\)), multinomial is our candidate model


  • \(p_{ij}\) be the probability that the i-th observation belongs to the j-th group
  • \(Y_{ij}\) be the number of observations for individual i in group j; An individual will have observations \(Y_{i1},Y_{i2},…Y_{iJ}\)
  • assume the probability of observing this response is given by a multinomial distribution in terms of probabilities \(p_{ij}\), where \(\sum_{j = 1}^J p_{ij} = 1\) . For interpretation, we have a baseline category \(p_{i1} = 1 - \sum_{j = 2}^J p_{ij}\)

The link between the mean response (probability) \(p_{ij}\) and a linear function of the covariates

$$ \eta_{ij} = \mathbf{x’_i \beta_j} $$

which equals

`$$\log \frac{p_{ij}}{p_{i1}}, j = 2,..,J $$

We compare \(p_{ij}\) to the baseline \(p_{i1}\), suggesting

$$ p_{ij} = \frac{\exp(\eta_{ij})}{1 + \sum_{i=2}^J \exp(\eta_{ij})} $$

which is known as multinomial logistic model.


  • Softmax coding for multinomial logistic regression: rather than selecting a baseline class, we treat all K class symmetrically - equally important (no baseline).

$$ P(Y = k | X = x) = \frac{exp(\beta_{k1} + \dots + \beta_{k_p x_p})}{\sum_{l = 1}^K exp(\beta_{l0} + \dots + \beta_{l_p x_p})} $$ then the log odds ratio between \(k-th\) and \(k^{t}th\) classes is

$$ \log (\frac{P(Y=k|X=x)}{P(Y = k’ | X=x)}) = (\beta_{k0} - \beta_{k'0}) + \dots + (\beta_{kp} - \beta_{k’p}) x_p $$

Poisson GLMs

The Poisson distribution

The Poisson distribution specifies the probability of a discrete random variable \(Y\) and is given by:

$$f(y, \,\mu)\, =\, Pr(Y = y)\, =\, \frac{\mu^y \times e^{-\mu}}{y!}$$

$$E(Y)\, =\, Var(Y)\, =\, \mu$$

where \(\mu\) is the parameter of the Poisson distribution

The Poisson distribution is particularly relevant to model count data because it:

  • specifies the probability only for integer values
  • \(P(y<0) = 0\), hence the probability of any negative value is null
  • \(Var(Y) = \mu\) (the mean-variance relationship) allows for heterogeneity (e.g. when variance generally increases with the mean)

A Poisson GLM will model the value of \(\mu\) as a function of different explanatory variables:

Step 1.

We assume \(Y_i\) follows a Poisson distribution with mean and variance \(\mu_i\).

$$Y_i \sim Poisson(\mu_i)$$

$$E(Y_i) = Var(Y_i) = \mu_i$$

$$f(y_i, \, \mu_i) = \frac{\mu^{y_i}_i \times e^{-\mu_i}}{y!}$$

\(\mu_i\) corresponds to the expected number of individuals.

Step 2.

We specify the linear predictor of the model just as in a linear model.

$$\underbrace{\alpha}_\text{Intercept} + \underbrace{\beta_1}_\text{slope of 'variable'} \times \text{variable}_i$$

Step 3.

The link between the mean of \(Y_i\) and linear predictor is a logarithmic function can be written as:

$$log(\mu_i) = \alpha + \beta_1 \times \text{variable}_i $$

It can also be written as:

$$\mu_i = e^{ \alpha + \beta \times \text{variable}_i}$$

This shows that the impact of each explanatory variable is multiplicative. Increasing variable by one increases \(\mu\) by factor of exp( \(\beta_\text{variable}\) ).

We can also write it as:

$$\mu_i = e^{\alpha} \times e^{\beta_1^{\text{variable}_i}}$$

If \(\beta_j = 0\) then \(exp(\beta_j) = 1\) and \(\mu\) is not related to \(x_j\). If \(\beta_j > 0\) then \(\mu\) increases if \(x_j\) increases; if \(\beta_j < 0\) then \(\mu\) decreases if \(x_j\) increases.


df<-df |> 
  separate(`y,party,race,gender`,into=c("y","party","race","gender"),",") |> 
  mutate_if(is.character,as.factor) |> 
  mutate(y=as.numeric(y)) |> 
#> # A tibble: 12 x 4
#>    income party       race  gender
#>     <dbl> <fct>       <fct> <fct> 
#>  1      5 Democrat    White Male  
#>  2      8 Republican  White Male  
#>  3      2 Independent White Male  
#>  4     10 Democrat    Black Male  
#>  5     12 Republican  Black Male  
#>  6      1 Independent Black Male  
#>  7      7 Democrat    White Female
#>  8      3 Republican  White Female
#>  9      4 Independent White Female
#> 10     11 Democrat    Black Female
#> 11      9 Republican  Black Female
#> 12      6 Independent Black Female


#>      income              party      race      gender 
#>  Min.   : 1.00   Democrat   :4   Black:6   Female:6  
#>  1st Qu.: 3.75   Independent:4   White:6   Male  :6  
#>  Median : 6.50   Republican :4                       
#>  Mean   : 6.50                                       
#>  3rd Qu.: 9.25                                       
#>  Max.   :12.00

#>               Black White
#>   Democrat        2     2
#>   Independent     2     2
#>   Republican      2     2

model with all variables

#> # weights:  15 (8 variable)
#> initial  value 13.183347 
#> iter  10 value 8.524672
#> iter  20 value 8.227196
#> iter  30 value 8.224114
#> iter  40 value 8.223844
#> iter  50 value 8.223812
#> final  value 8.223811 
#> converged
#> Call:
#> nnet::multinom(formula = party ~ ., data = df)
#> Coefficients:
#>             (Intercept)     income  raceWhite  genderMale
#> Independent    12.33053 -1.5500393 -6.0737795 -0.07011659
#> Republican      1.12294 -0.1137472 -0.5209413  0.12415647
#> Residual Deviance: 16.44762 
#> AIC: 32.44762

#> Call:
#> nnet::multinom(formula = party ~ ., data = df)
#> Coefficients:
#>             (Intercept)     income  raceWhite  genderMale
#> Independent    12.33053 -1.5500393 -6.0737795 -0.07011659
#> Republican      1.12294 -0.1137472 -0.5209413  0.12415647
#> Std. Errors:
#>             (Intercept)    income raceWhite genderMale
#> Independent    8.023601 0.9713783  4.955594   2.783173
#> Republican     4.891305 0.4793859  2.613579   1.510782
#> Residual Deviance: 16.44762 
#> AIC: 32.44762

$$\log(\frac{\pi_I}{\pi_D})=12.33053-1.55income-6.07377raceWhite-0.07011659genderMale$$ $$\log(\frac{\pi_R}{\pi_D})=1.12294-0.113income-0.52094raceWhite-0.124genderMale$$

#> [1] 3.581472e-203
#> [1] 2.771893e-112
#> [1] 1

#> [1] 5.342864e-20


#> # weights:  6 (2 variable)
#> initial  value 13.183347 
#> final  value 13.183347 
#> converged
#> Call:
#> nnet::multinom(formula = party ~ 1, data = df)
#> Coefficients:
#>              (Intercept)
#> Independent 4.440892e-16
#> Republican  4.440892e-16
#> Residual Deviance: 26.36669 
#> AIC: 30.36669

model with gender

#> # weights:  9 (4 variable)
#> initial  value 13.183347 
#> final  value 13.183347 
#> converged
#> Call:
#> nnet::multinom(formula = party ~ gender, data = df)
#> Coefficients:
#>              (Intercept)   genderMale
#> Independent 4.440892e-16 2.220446e-16
#> Republican  4.440892e-16 2.220446e-16
#> Residual Deviance: 26.36669 
#> AIC: 34.36669

compare the models

#>    Model Resid. df Resid. Dev   Test    Df LR stat. Pr(Chi)
#> 1      1        22   26.36669           NA       NA      NA
#> 2 gender        20   26.36669 1 vs 2     2        0       1

model with race

#> # weights:  9 (4 variable)
#> initial  value 13.183347 
#> final  value 13.183347 
#> converged
#> Call:
#> nnet::multinom(formula = party ~ race, data = df)
#> Coefficients:
#>              (Intercept)    raceWhite
#> Independent 4.440892e-16 2.220446e-16
#> Republican  4.440892e-16 2.220446e-16
#> Residual Deviance: 26.36669 
#> AIC: 34.36669

cmpare race model to null model

#>   Model Resid. df Resid. Dev   Test    Df LR stat. Pr(Chi)
#> 1     1        22   26.36669           NA       NA      NA
#> 2  race        20   26.36669 1 vs 2     2        0       1

model with income

#> # weights:  9 (4 variable)
#> initial  value 13.183347 
#> iter  10 value 9.866125
#> final  value 9.865368 
#> converged
#> Call:
#> nnet::multinom(formula = party ~ income, data = df)
#> Coefficients:
#>             (Intercept)      income
#> Independent   3.8280816 -0.69719923
#> Republican    0.2589209 -0.03185745
#> Residual Deviance: 19.73074 
#> AIC: 27.73074

compare income model to null model

#>    Model Resid. df Resid. Dev   Test    Df LR stat.    Pr(Chi)
#> 1      1        22   26.36669           NA       NA         NA
#> 2 income        20   19.73074 1 vs 2     2 6.635959 0.03622595

model with race and income

#> # weights:  12 (6 variable)
#> initial  value 13.183347 
#> iter  10 value 8.499512
#> iter  20 value 8.244097
#> iter  30 value 8.229818
#> iter  40 value 8.228592
#> iter  50 value 8.228569
#> final  value 8.228567 
#> converged
#> Call:
#> nnet::multinom(formula = party ~ income + race, data = df)
#> Coefficients:
#>             (Intercept)     income  raceWhite
#> Independent   12.312994 -1.5477287 -6.0862942
#> Republican     1.050129 -0.1008768 -0.4603361
#> Residual Deviance: 16.45713 
#> AIC: 28.45713

compare models

#>           Model Resid. df Resid. Dev   Test    Df LR stat.   Pr(Chi)
#> 1        income        20   19.73074           NA       NA        NA
#> 2 income + race        18   16.45713 1 vs 2     2 3.273602 0.1946016

check using chi square distribution

#> 	Pearson's Chi-squared test
#> data:  table(df$party, df$race)
#> X-squared = 0, df = 2, p-value = 1

poisson dataset

df<-read.table("canada.txt",sep="",header=TRUE) |> 
  mutate_if(is.character,as.factor) |> 
#> # A tibble: 36 x 5
#>       id age   smoke           pop  dead
#>    <int> <fct> <fct>         <int> <int>
#>  1     1 40-44 no              656    18
#>  2     2 45-59 no              359    22
#>  3     3 50-54 no              249    19
#>  4     4 55-59 no              632    55
#>  5     5 60-64 no             1067   117
#>  6     6 65-69 no              897   170
#>  7     7 70-74 no              668   179
#>  8     8 75-79 no              361   120
#>  9     9 80+   no              274   120
#> 10    10 40-44 cigarPipeOnly   145     2
#> # i 26 more rows


model with all variables

model<-glm(dead~age+smoke+pop,data=df,family = poisson)
#> Call:  glm(formula = dead ~ age + smoke + pop, family = poisson, data = df)
#> Coefficients:
#>         (Intercept)             age45-59             age50-54  
#>           2.7717494            0.6242419            1.0038164  
#>            age55-59             age60-64             age65-69  
#>           1.3818228            1.5011996            2.1365714  
#>            age70-74             age75-79               age80+  
#>           2.3556629            2.2041331            1.9506334  
#> smokecigarretteOnly  smokecigarrettePlus              smokeno  
#>           0.5704051            0.2915664           -0.2113845  
#>                 pop  
#>           0.0004172  
#> Degrees of Freedom: 35 Total (i.e. Null);  23 Residual
#> Null Deviance:	    8434 
#> Residual Deviance: 584.9 	AIC: 850.9

extract_eq(model,terms_per_line = 2,wrap=TRUE,use_coefs = TRUE, greek_colors = "blue")

$$ \begin{aligned} \log ({ \widehat{E( \operatorname{dead} )} }) &= 2.77 + 0.62(\operatorname{age}_{\operatorname{45-59}})\ + \\ &\quad 1(\operatorname{age}_{\operatorname{50-54}}) + 1.38(\operatorname{age}_{\operatorname{55-59}})\ + \\ &\quad 1.5(\operatorname{age}_{\operatorname{60-64}}) + 2.14(\operatorname{age}_{\operatorname{65-69}})\ + \\ &\quad 2.36(\operatorname{age}_{\operatorname{70-74}}) + 2.2(\operatorname{age}_{\operatorname{75-79}})\ + \\ &\quad 1.95(\operatorname{age}_{\operatorname{80+}}) + 0.57(\operatorname{smoke}_{\operatorname{cigarretteOnly}})\ + \\ &\quad 0.29(\operatorname{smoke}_{\operatorname{cigarrettePlus}}) - 0.21(\operatorname{smoke}_{\operatorname{no}})\ + \\ &\quad 0(\operatorname{pop}) \end{aligned} $$


mod1<-glm(dead~1,data=df,family = poisson)

model with age

mod2<-glm(dead~age,data=df,family = poisson)


#> Analysis of Deviance Table
#> Model 1: dead ~ 1
#> Model 2: dead ~ age
#>   Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance  Pr(>Chi)    
#> 1        35     8434.4                          
#> 2        27     4845.0  8   3589.4 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

model with population

mod3<-glm(dead~pop,data=df,family = poisson)


#> Analysis of Deviance Table
#> Model 1: dead ~ 1
#> Model 2: dead ~ pop
#>   Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance  Pr(>Chi)    
#> 1        35     8434.4                          
#> 2        34     4270.2  1   4164.2 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

model with smoking

mod4<-glm(dead~smoke,data=df,family = poisson)


#> Analysis of Deviance Table
#> Model 1: dead ~ 1
#> Model 2: dead ~ smoke
#>   Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance  Pr(>Chi)    
#> 1        35     8434.4                          
#> 2        32     4850.4  3   3584.1 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


#> We fitted a poisson model (estimated using ML) to predict dead with age, smoke
#> and pop (formula: dead ~ age + smoke + pop). The model's explanatory power is
#> substantial (Nagelkerke's R2 = 1.00). The model's intercept, corresponding to
#> age = 40-44, smoke = cigarPipeOnly and pop = 0, is at 2.77 (95% CI [2.62,
#> 2.92], p < .001). Within this model:
#>   - The effect of age [45-59] is statistically significant and positive (beta =
#> 0.62, 95% CI [0.46, 0.79], p < .001; Std. beta = 0.62, 95% CI [0.46, 0.79])
#>   - The effect of age [50-54] is statistically significant and positive (beta =
#> 1.00, 95% CI [0.84, 1.16], p < .001; Std. beta = 1.00, 95% CI [0.84, 1.16])
#>   - The effect of age [55-59] is statistically significant and positive (beta =
#> 1.38, 95% CI [1.26, 1.51], p < .001; Std. beta = 1.38, 95% CI [1.26, 1.51])
#>   - The effect of age [60-64] is statistically significant and positive (beta =
#> 1.50, 95% CI [1.38, 1.63], p < .001; Std. beta = 1.50, 95% CI [1.38, 1.63])
#>   - The effect of age [65-69] is statistically significant and positive (beta =
#> 2.14, 95% CI [2.01, 2.26], p < .001; Std. beta = 2.14, 95% CI [2.01, 2.26])
#>   - The effect of age [70-74] is statistically significant and positive (beta =
#> 2.36, 95% CI [2.22, 2.50], p < .001; Std. beta = 2.36, 95% CI [2.22, 2.50])
#>   - The effect of age [75-79] is statistically significant and positive (beta =
#> 2.20, 95% CI [2.05, 2.36], p < .001; Std. beta = 2.20, 95% CI [2.05, 2.36])
#>   - The effect of age [80+] is statistically significant and positive (beta =
#> 1.95, 95% CI [1.79, 2.12], p < .001; Std. beta = 1.95, 95% CI [1.79, 2.12])
#>   - The effect of smoke [cigarretteOnly] is statistically significant and
#> positive (beta = 0.57, 95% CI [0.49, 0.65], p < .001; Std. beta = 0.57, 95% CI
#> [0.49, 0.65])
#>   - The effect of smoke [cigarrettePlus] is statistically significant and
#> positive (beta = 0.29, 95% CI [0.19, 0.40], p < .001; Std. beta = 0.29, 95% CI
#> [0.19, 0.40])
#>   - The effect of smoke [no] is statistically significant and negative (beta =
#> -0.21, 95% CI [-0.30, -0.12], p < .001; Std. beta = -0.21, 95% CI [-0.30,
#> -0.12])
#>   - The effect of pop is statistically significant and positive (beta = 4.17e-04,
#> 95% CI [3.85e-04, 4.50e-04], p < .001; Std. beta = 0.65, 95% CI [0.60, 0.70])
#> Standardized parameters were obtained by fitting the model on a standardized
#> version of the dataset. 95% Confidence Intervals (CIs) and p-values were
#> computed using a Wald z-distribution approximation.
Bongani Ncube
Bongani Ncube
Data Scientist/Statistics/Public Health

My research interests include Casual Inference , Public Health , Survival Analysis, bayesian Statistics, Machine learning and Longitudinal Data Analysis.