Generalised Linear Models 1
Generalized linear models
Exponential Family The theory of GLMs is developed for data with distribution given y the exponential family. The form of the data distribution that is useful for GLMs is
$$ f(y;\theta, \phi) = \exp(\frac{\theta y - b(\theta)}{a(\phi)} + c(y, \phi)) $$
is called the natural parameter\(\phi\)
is called the dispersion parameter
This family includes the [Gamma], [Normal], [Poisson], and other. For all parameterization of the exponential family, check this
if we have \(Y \sim N(\mu, \sigma^2)\)
\begin{aligned} f(y; \mu, \sigma^2) &= \frac{1}{(2\pi \sigma^2)^{1/2}}\exp(-\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}(y- \mu)^2) \\ &= \exp(-\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}(y^2 - 2y \mu +\mu^2)- \frac{1}{2}\log(2\pi \sigma^2)) \\ &= \exp(\frac{y \mu - \mu^2/2}{\sigma^2} - \frac{y^2}{2\sigma^2} - \frac{1}{2}\log(2\pi \sigma^2)) \\ &= \exp(\frac{\theta y - b(\theta)}{a(\phi)} + c(y , \phi)) \end{aligned}
\(\theta = \mu\)
\(b(\theta) = \frac{\mu^2}{2}\)
\(a(\phi) = \sigma^2 = \phi\)
\(c(y , \phi) = - \frac{1}{2}(\frac{y^2}{\phi}+\log(2\pi \sigma^2))\)
Properties of GLM exponential families
\(E(Y) = b' (\theta)\)
where\(b'(\theta) = \frac{\partial b(\theta)}{\partial \theta}\)
is “prime”, not transpose) -
\(var(Y) = a(\phi)b''(\theta)= a(\phi)V(\mu)\)
is the variance function; however, it is only the variance in the case that\(a(\phi) =1\)
\(a(), b(), c()\)
are identifiable, we will derive expected value and variance of Y.
Normal distribution
b’(\theta) = \frac{\partial b(\mu^2/2)}{\partial \mu} = \mu$$
$$V(\mu) = \frac{\partial^2 (\mu^2/2)}{\partial \mu^2} = 1$$
$$\to var(Y) = a(\phi) = \sigma^2
Poisson distribution
\begin{aligned} f(y, \theta, \phi) &= \frac{\mu^y \exp(-\mu)}{y!} &= \exp(y\log(\mu) - \mu - \log(y!)) &= \exp(y\theta - \exp(\theta) - \log(y!)) \end{aligned}
\(\theta = \log(\mu)\)
\(a(\phi) = 1\)
\(b(\theta) = \exp(\theta)\)
\(c(y, \phi) = \log(y!)\)
E(Y) = \frac{\partial b(\theta)}{\partial \theta} = \exp(\theta) = \mu$$
$$var(Y) = \frac{\partial^2 b(\theta)}{\partial \theta^2} = \mu
Since \(\mu = E(Y) = b'(\theta)\)
In GLM, we take some monotone function (typically nonlinear) of \(\mu\)
to be linear in the set of covariates
$$ g(\mu) = g(b’(\theta)) = \mathbf{x’\beta} $$
$$ \mu = g^{-1}(\mathbf{x’\beta}) $$
where \(g(.)\)
is the link function since it links mean response ($\mu = E(Y)$) and a linear expression of the covariates
Some people use \(\eta = \mathbf{x'\beta}\)
where \(\eta\)
= the “linear predictor”
GLM is composed of 2 components
The random component:
is the distribution chosen to model the response variables
is specified by the choice fo
\(a(), b(), c()\)
in the exponential form -
Assume that there are n independent response variables \(Y_1,...,Y_n\)
with densities
f(y_i ; \theta_i, \phi) = \exp(\frac{\theta_i y_i - b(\theta_i)}{a(\phi)}+ c(y_i, \phi))
$$ notice each observation might have different densities
- Assume that \(\phi\)
is constant for all \(i = 1,...,n\)
, but \(\theta_i\)
will vary. \(\mu_i = E(Y_i)\)
for all i.
The systematic component
is the portion of the model that gives the relation between
and the covariates\(\mathbf{x}\)
consists of 2 parts:
- the link function,
- the linear predictor,
\(\eta = \mathbf{x'\beta}\)
- the link function,
assume \(g(\mu_i) = \mathbf{x'\beta} = \eta_i\)
where \(\mathbf{\beta} = (\beta_1,..., \beta_p)'\)
- The parameters to be estimated are \(\beta_1,...\beta_p , \phi\)
The Canonical Link
To choose \(g(.)\)
, we can use canonical link function (Remember: Canonical link is just a special case of the link function)
If the link function \(g(.)\)
is such \(g(\mu_i) = \eta_i = \theta_i\)
, the natural parameter, then \(g(.)\)
is the canonical link.
Logistic Regression
$$ p_i = f(\mathbf{x}_i ; \beta) = \frac{exp(\mathbf{x_i’\beta})}{1 + exp(\mathbf{x_i’\beta})} $$
$$ logit(p_i) = log(\frac{p_i}{1-p_i}) = \mathbf{x_i’\beta} $$
where \(\frac{p_i}{1+p_i}\)
is the odds.
In this form, the model is specified such that a function of the mean response is linear. Hence, Generalized Linear Models
Logistic Regression: Interpretation of betas
For single regressor, the model is
$$ logit{\hat{p}_{x_i}} \equiv logit (\hat{p}_i) = \log(\frac{\hat{p}_i}{1 - \hat{p}_i}) = \hat{\beta}_0 + \hat{\beta}_1 x_i $$
When \(x= x_i + 1\)
$$ logit{\hat{{p}_{x_i +1}}} = \hat{\beta_0} + \hat{\beta}(x_i + 1)$$`
which is equal to
$$logit\{\hat{p}_{x_i}\} + \hat{\beta}_1$$
$$ logit{\hat{p_{x_i +1}}} - logit{\hat{p_{x_i}}}$$
is equal to
$$log\{odds[\hat{p}_{x_i +1}]\} - log\{odds[\hat{p}_{x_i}]\}$$
the estimated odds ratio
the estimated odds ratio, when there is a difference of c units in the regressor x, is \(exp(c\hat{\beta}_1)\)
. When there are multiple covariates, \(exp(\hat{\beta}_k)\)
is the estimated odds ratio for the variable \(x_k\)
, assuming that all of the other variables are held constant.
Inference on the Mean Response*
Let \(x_h = (1, x_{h1}, ...,x_{h,p-1})'\)
. Then
$$ \hat{p}_h = \frac{exp(\mathbf{x’_h \hat{\beta}})}{1 + exp(\mathbf{x’_h \hat{\beta}})} $$
and \(s^2(\hat{p}_h) = \mathbf{x'_h[I(\hat{\beta})]^{-1}x_h}\)
For new observation, we can have a cutoff point to decide whether y = 0 or 1.
df<-readxl::read_xlsx("logistic.xlsx") |>
mutate_if(is.character,as.factor) |>
rename(SEX="SEX JAN",
STATUS="Default Status")
#> # A tibble: 6,824 x 7
#> `RTGS EXPOSURE` STATUS SEX `Marital Status` Profession `Gross Income`
#> <dbl> <dbl> <fct> <fct> <fct> <dbl>
#> 1 1057. 1 MALE Single Blue Collar 652
#> 2 207. 1 MALE Married Blue Collar 460
#> 3 2162. 1 FEMALE Single White Collar 468
#> 4 41.9 1 FEMALE Married White Collar 733
#> 5 10.8 1 FEMALE Married White Collar 465
#> 6 181. 1 FEMALE Married White Collar 460
#> 7 14583. 0 MALE Single White Collar 8000
#> 8 53471. 0 FEMALE Other Blue Collar 2600
#> 9 2156. 0 FEMALE Single White Collar 773
#> 10 1114. 0 MALE Married Blue Collar 575
#> # i 6,814 more rows
#> # i 1 more variable: `Age Group` <fct>
- CBZ is considering to develop a model that predicts the default experience of their loan books.A statistician was assigned to develop of prob of default,default and non-default,The factors that will be considered to influence.
EXPOSURE,SEX,MARIT,PROFFESSION,GROSSINCOME,AGEGROUP As predictor variables explaining all the terms
options(scipen = 999)
#> Call:
#> glm(formula = STATUS ~ ., family = binomial, data = df)
#> Deviance Residuals:
#> Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
#> -0.4612 -0.1916 -0.1331 -0.0539 4.1543
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept) -2.13712297 1.23427306 -1.731 0.0834 .
#> `RTGS EXPOSURE` -0.00036209 0.00009165 -3.951 0.000078 ***
#> SEXMALE -0.01617771 0.27574625 -0.059 0.9532
#> `Marital Status`Engaged -12.87415038 514.79170656 -0.025 0.9800
#> `Marital Status`Married -0.91052261 1.04309052 -0.873 0.3827
#> `Marital Status`Other -2.28288908 1.44346105 -1.582 0.1138
#> `Marital Status`Single -1.05896113 1.06289344 -0.996 0.3191
#> ProfessionWhite Collar -0.32313990 0.26883397 -1.202 0.2294
#> `Gross Income` -0.00072287 0.00045865 -1.576 0.1150
#> `Age Group`30-39 0.33735455 0.61753220 0.546 0.5849
#> `Age Group`40-49 0.82290874 0.62040499 1.326 0.1847
#> `Age Group`50-59 0.57181832 0.66677092 0.858 0.3911
#> `Age Group`60-69 1.02085330 0.78462020 1.301 0.1932
#> `Age Group`70+ -11.67550397 1624.62863041 -0.007 0.9943
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
#> Null deviance: 879.30 on 6823 degrees of freedom
#> Residual deviance: 799.53 on 6810 degrees of freedom
#> AIC: 827.53
#> Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 15
extract_eq(mod1,greek_colors = "blue",wrap=TRUE,terms_per_line = 2,use_coefs = TRUE)
null model
- model with no dependent variables
#> Call:
#> glm(formula = STATUS ~ 1, family = binomial, data = df)
#> Deviance Residuals:
#> Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
#> -0.1545 -0.1545 -0.1545 -0.1545 2.9778
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept) -4.4218 0.1118 -39.56 <0.0000000000000002 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
#> Null deviance: 879.3 on 6823 degrees of freedom
#> Residual deviance: 879.3 on 6823 degrees of freedom
#> AIC: 881.3
#> Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 7
model with sex
model2<-glm(STATUS ~ SEX,data=df,family=binomial)
#> Call:
#> glm(formula = STATUS ~ SEX, family = binomial, data = df)
#> Deviance Residuals:
#> Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
#> -0.1553 -0.1553 -0.1553 -0.1522 2.9882
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept) -4.45312 0.23075 -19.299 <0.0000000000000002 ***
#> SEXMALE 0.04111 0.26376 0.156 0.876
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
#> Null deviance: 879.30 on 6823 degrees of freedom
#> Residual deviance: 879.28 on 6822 degrees of freedom
#> AIC: 883.28
#> Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 7
compare model with sex and null model
#> Analysis of Deviance Table
#> Model 1: STATUS ~ 1
#> Model 2: STATUS ~ SEX
#> Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance Pr(>Chi)
#> 1 6823 879.30
#> 2 6822 879.28 1 0.024461 0.8757
model with marital status
model3<-glm(STATUS ~ `Marital Status`,data=df,family=binomial)
#> Call:
#> glm(formula = STATUS ~ `Marital Status`, family = binomial, data = df)
#> Deviance Residuals:
#> Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
#> -0.2801 -0.1671 -0.1671 -0.1524 3.6591
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept) -3.219 1.020 -3.156 0.0016 **
#> `Marital Status`Engaged -13.347 550.494 -0.024 0.9807
#> `Marital Status`Married -1.045 1.028 -1.017 0.3093
#> `Marital Status`Other -3.474 1.429 -2.432 0.0150 *
#> `Marital Status`Single -1.231 1.046 -1.177 0.2392
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
#> Null deviance: 879.3 on 6823 degrees of freedom
#> Residual deviance: 863.7 on 6819 degrees of freedom
#> AIC: 873.7
#> Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 15
compare null model with marital status model
#> Analysis of Deviance Table
#> Model 1: STATUS ~ `Marital Status`
#> Model 2: STATUS ~ 1
#> Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance Pr(>Chi)
#> 1 6819 863.7
#> 2 6823 879.3 -4 -15.607 0.003594 **
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
add exposure to marital status model
model5<-glm(STATUS ~ `RTGS EXPOSURE`+ `Marital Status`,data=df,family=binomial)
#> Call:
#> glm(formula = STATUS ~ `RTGS EXPOSURE` + `Marital Status`, family = binomial,
#> data = df)
#> Deviance Residuals:
#> Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
#> -0.4322 -0.1971 -0.1385 -0.0604 4.3944
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept) -1.83322889 1.04911419 -1.747 0.0806 .
#> `RTGS EXPOSURE` -0.00044324 0.00008176 -5.421 0.0000000591 ***
#> `Marital Status`Engaged -13.08076745 523.70290688 -0.025 0.9801
#> `Marital Status`Married -0.99006551 1.03683577 -0.955 0.3396
#> `Marital Status`Other -2.34733702 1.43846067 -1.632 0.1027
#> `Marital Status`Single -1.24715662 1.05437281 -1.183 0.2369
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
#> Null deviance: 879.30 on 6823 degrees of freedom
#> Residual deviance: 808.63 on 6818 degrees of freedom
#> AIC: 820.63
#> Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 15
compare model with marital status to the one with both
#> Analysis of Deviance Table
#> Model 1: STATUS ~ `Marital Status`
#> Model 2: STATUS ~ `RTGS EXPOSURE` + `Marital Status`
#> Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance Pr(>Chi)
#> 1 6819 863.70
#> 2 6818 808.63 1 55.066 0.0000000000001165 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
compare marital status model with model containing both
model6<-glm(STATUS ~ `RTGS EXPOSURE`+`Marital Status`+`Age Group`,data=df,family=binomial)
#> Call:
#> glm(formula = STATUS ~ `RTGS EXPOSURE` + `Marital Status` + `Age Group`,
#> family = binomial, data = df)
#> Deviance Residuals:
#> Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
#> -0.4571 -0.1922 -0.1358 -0.0597 4.4447
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept) -2.42151338 1.20818555 -2.004 0.045 *
#> `RTGS EXPOSURE` -0.00044330 0.00008117 -5.461 0.0000000473 ***
#> `Marital Status`Engaged -12.98152086 522.77176953 -0.025 0.980
#> `Marital Status`Married -0.88891522 1.03938005 -0.855 0.392
#> `Marital Status`Other -2.24263515 1.44042494 -1.557 0.119
#> `Marital Status`Single -1.04409472 1.06031177 -0.985 0.325
#> `Age Group`30-39 0.26597436 0.61648455 0.431 0.666
#> `Age Group`40-49 0.70606674 0.61702931 1.144 0.252
#> `Age Group`50-59 0.40749938 0.66032219 0.617 0.537
#> `Age Group`60-69 0.85164136 0.78032359 1.091 0.275
#> `Age Group`70+ -11.67148243 1634.65825214 -0.007 0.994
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
#> Null deviance: 879.30 on 6823 degrees of freedom
#> Residual deviance: 804.49 on 6813 degrees of freedom
#> AIC: 826.49
#> Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 15
compare model with marital status to the one with both
#> Analysis of Deviance Table
#> Model 1: STATUS ~ `RTGS EXPOSURE` + `Marital Status`
#> Model 2: STATUS ~ `RTGS EXPOSURE` + `Marital Status` + `Age Group`
#> Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance Pr(>Chi)
#> 1 6818 808.63
#> 2 6813 804.49 5 4.1354 0.5301
- age group is insignificant so we remove it
lets add Gross income
model7<-glm(STATUS ~ `RTGS EXPOSURE`+`Marital Status` + `Gross Income` ,data=df,family=binomial)
#> Call:
#> glm(formula = STATUS ~ `RTGS EXPOSURE` + `Marital Status` + `Gross Income`,
#> family = binomial, data = df)
#> Deviance Residuals:
#> Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
#> -0.4207 -0.1971 -0.1374 -0.0558 4.1282
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept) -1.53001136 1.06871159 -1.432 0.1522
#> `RTGS EXPOSURE` -0.00036624 0.00009327 -3.927 0.0000861 ***
#> `Marital Status`Engaged -13.04375382 517.83889026 -0.025 0.9799
#> `Marital Status`Married -1.03211956 1.03805014 -0.994 0.3201
#> `Marital Status`Other -2.38777747 1.44020087 -1.658 0.0973 .
#> `Marital Status`Single -1.28721062 1.05555781 -1.219 0.2227
#> `Gross Income` -0.00070500 0.00046467 -1.517 0.1292
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
#> Null deviance: 879.30 on 6823 degrees of freedom
#> Residual deviance: 805.54 on 6817 degrees of freedom
#> AIC: 819.54
#> Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 15
compare model with gross income
#> Analysis of Deviance Table
#> Model 1: STATUS ~ `RTGS EXPOSURE` + `Marital Status`
#> Model 2: STATUS ~ `RTGS EXPOSURE` + `Marital Status` + `Gross Income`
#> Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance Pr(>Chi)
#> 1 6818 808.63
#> 2 6817 805.54 1 3.0858 0.07898 .
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
- final model should include gross income apparently
- for sake of progress model with gross income is appropriate but we will use the one we used in the lecture
final model according to lecture
model7<-glm(STATUS ~ `RTGS EXPOSURE`+`Marital Status`,data=df,family=binomial)
#> Call:
#> glm(formula = STATUS ~ `RTGS EXPOSURE` + `Marital Status`, family = binomial,
#> data = df)
#> Deviance Residuals:
#> Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
#> -0.4322 -0.1971 -0.1385 -0.0604 4.3944
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept) -1.83322889 1.04911419 -1.747 0.0806 .
#> `RTGS EXPOSURE` -0.00044324 0.00008176 -5.421 0.0000000591 ***
#> `Marital Status`Engaged -13.08076745 523.70290688 -0.025 0.9801
#> `Marital Status`Married -0.99006551 1.03683577 -0.955 0.3396
#> `Marital Status`Other -2.34733702 1.43846067 -1.632 0.1027
#> `Marital Status`Single -1.24715662 1.05437281 -1.183 0.2369
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
#> Null deviance: 879.30 on 6823 degrees of freedom
#> Residual deviance: 808.63 on 6818 degrees of freedom
#> AIC: 820.63
#> Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 15
calculation of probabilities
- e.g for client who is married with no information at the bank
#> [1] 0.9999997
convert log odds to odds
coef(model7) |> exp()
#> (Intercept) `RTGS EXPOSURE` `Marital Status`Engaged
#> 1.598964e-01 9.995569e-01 2.084946e-06
#> `Marital Status`Married `Marital Status`Other `Marital Status`Single
#> 3.715523e-01 9.562347e-02 2.873206e-01
reporting the model output
#> We fitted a logistic model (estimated using ML) to predict STATUS with RTGS
#> EXPOSURE and Marital Status (formula: STATUS ~ `RTGS EXPOSURE` + `Marital
#> Status`). The model's explanatory power is very weak (Tjur's R2 = 0.02). The
#> model's intercept, corresponding to RTGS EXPOSURE = 0 and Marital Status =
#> Divorced, is at -1.83 (95% CI [-4.74, -0.19], p = 0.081). Within this model:
#> - The effect of RTGS EXPOSURE is statistically significant and negative (beta =
#> -4.43e-04, 95% CI [-6.14e-04, -2.93e-04], p < .001; Std. beta = -7.49, 95% CI
#> [-10.37, -4.96])
#> - The effect of Marital Status [Engaged] is statistically non-significant and
#> negative (beta = -13.08, 95% CI [-202.23, 6.27], p = 0.980; Std. beta = -13.08,
#> 95% CI [-202.23, 6.27])
#> - The effect of Marital Status [Married] is statistically non-significant and
#> negative (beta = -0.99, 95% CI [-2.60, 1.91], p = 0.340; Std. beta = -0.99, 95%
#> CI [-2.60, 1.91])
#> - The effect of Marital Status [Other] is statistically non-significant and
#> negative (beta = -2.35, 95% CI [-5.61, 0.91], p = 0.103; Std. beta = -2.35, 95%
#> CI [-5.61, 0.91])
#> - The effect of Marital Status [Single] is statistically non-significant and
#> negative (beta = -1.25, 95% CI [-2.91, 1.67], p = 0.237; Std. beta = -1.25, 95%
#> CI [-2.91, 1.67])
#> Standardized parameters were obtained by fitting the model on a standardized
#> version of the dataset. 95% Confidence Intervals (CIs) and p-values were
#> computed using a Wald z-distribution approximation.